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List of my scientific publications

Beware of commonly used approximations. Part II. Estimating systematic biases in the best-fit parameters, 
Bernal, J. L., Bellomo, N., Raccanelli, A., & Verde, L. 
(2020), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020, 017 

Beware of commonly used approximations. Part I. Errors in forecasts, 
Bellomo, N., Bernal, J. L., Scelfo, G., Raccanelli, A., & Verde, L. 
(2020), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020, 016 

Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA, 
Barausse, E., Berti, E., Hertog, T., Hughes, S. A., Jetzer, P., Pani, P., Sotiriou, T. P., Tamanini, N., Witek, H., Yagi, K., Yunes, N., Abdelsalhin, T., Achucarro, A., van Aelst, K., Afshordi, N., Akcay, S., Annulli, L., Arun, K. G., Ayuso, I., Baibhav, V., Baker, T., Bantilan, H., Barreiro, T., Barrera-Hinojosa, C., Bartolo, N., Baumann, D., Belgacem, E., Bellini, E., Bellomo, N., Ben-Dayan, I., Bena, I., Benkel, R., Bergshoefs, E., Bernard, L., Bernuzzi, S., Bertacca, D., Besancon, M., Beutler, F., Beyer, F., Bhagwat, S., Bicak, J., Biondini, S., Bize, S., Blas, D., Boehmer, C., Boller, K., Bonga, B., Bonvin, C., Bosso, P., Bozzola, G., Brax, P., Breitbach, M., Brito, R., Bruni, M., Brügmann, B., Bulten, H., Buonanno, A., Burko, L. M., Burrage, C., Cabral, F., Calcagni, G., Caprini, C., Cárdenas-Avendaño, A., Celoria, M., Chatziioannou, K., Chernoff, D., Clough, K., Coates, A., Comelli, D., Compère, G., Croon, D., Cruces, D., Cusin, G., Dalang, C., Danielsson, U., Das, S., Datta, S., de Boer, J., De Luca, V., De Rham, C., Desjacques, V., Destounis, K., Di Filippo, F., Dima, A., Dimastrogiovanni, E., Dolan, S., Doneva, D., Duque, F., Durrer, R., East, W., Easther, R., Elley, M., Ellis, J. R., Emparan, R., Ezquiaga, J. M., Fairbairn, M., Fairhurst, S., Farmer, H. F., Fasiello, M. R., Ferrari, V., Ferreira, P. G., Ficarra, G., Figueras, P., Fisenko, S., Foffa, S., Franchini, N., Franciolini, G., Fransen, K., Frauendiener, J., Frusciante, N., Fujita, R., Gair, J., Ganz, A., Garcia, P., Garcia-Bellido, J., Garriga, J., Geiger, R., Geng, C., Gergely, L. Á., Germani, C., Gerosa, D., Giddings, S. B., Gourgoulhon, E., Grandclement, P., Graziani, L., Gualtieri, L., Haggard, D., Haino, S., Halburd, R., Han, W.-B., Hawken, A. J., Hees, A., Heng, I. S., Hennig, J., Herdeiro, C., Hervik, S., Holten, J. v ., Hoyle, C. J. D., Hu, Y., Hull, M., Ikeda, T., Isi, M., Jenkins, A., Julié, F., Kajfasz, E., Kalaghatgi, C., Kaloper, N., Kamionkowski, M., Karas, V., Kastha, S., Keresztes, Z., Kidder, L., Kimpson, T., Klein, A., Klioner, S., Kokkotas, K., Kolesova, H., Kolkowitz, S., Kopp, J., Koyama, K., Krishnendu, N. V., Kroon, J. A. V., Kunz, M., Lahav, O., Landragin, A., Lang, R. N., Le Poncin-Lafitte, C., Lemos, J., Li, B., Liberati, S., Liguori, M., Lin, F., Liu, G., Lobo, F. S. N., Loll, R., Lombriser, L., Lovelace, G., Macedo, R. P., Madge, E., Maggio, E., Maggiore, M., Marassi, S., Marcoccia, P., Markakis, C., Martens, W., Martinovic, K., Martins, C. J. A. P., Maselli, A., Mastrogiovanni, S., Matarrese, S., Matas, A., Mavromatos, N. E., Mazumdar, A., Meerburg, P. D., Megias, E., Miller, J., Mimoso, J. P., Mittnacht, L., Montero, M. M., Moore, B., Martin-Moruno, P., Musco, I., Nakano, H., Nampalliwar, S., Nardini, G., Nielsen, A., Novák, J., Nunes, N. J., Okounkova, M., Oliveri, R., Oppizzi, F., Orlando, G., Oshita, N., Pappas, G., Paschalidis, V., Peiris, H., Peloso, M., Perkins, S., Pettorino, V., Pikovski, I., Pilo, L., Podolsky, J., Pontzen, A., Prabhat, S., Pratten, G., Prokopec, T., Prouza, M., Qi, H., Raccanelli, A., Rajantie, A., Randall, L., Raposo, G., Raymond, V., Renaux-Petel, S., Ricciardone, A., Riotto, A., Robson, T., Roest, D., Rollo, R., Rosofsky, S., Ruan, J. J., Rubiera-García, D., Ruiz, M., Rusu, M., Sabatie, F., Sago, N., Sakellariadou, M., Saltas, I. D., Sberna, L., Sathyaprakash, B., Scheel, M., Schmidt, P., Schutz, B., Schwaller, P., Shao, L., Shapiro, S. L., Shoemaker, D., Silva, A. d ., Simpson, C., Sopuerta, C. F., Spallicci, A., Stefanek, B. A., Stein, L., Stergioulas, N., Stott, M., Sutton, P., Svarc, R., Tagoshi, H., Tahamtan, T., Takeda, H., Tanaka, T., Tantilian, G., Tasinato, G., Tattersall, O., Teukolsky, S., Tiec, A. L., Theureau, G., Trodden, M., Tolley, A., Toubiana, A., Traykova, D., Tsokaros, A., Unal, C., Unnikrishnan, C. S., Vagenas, E. C., Valageas, P., Vallisneri, M., Van den Brand, J., Van den Broeck, C., van de Meent, M., Vanhove, P., Varma, V., Veitch, J., Vercnocke, B., Verde, L., Vernieri, D., Vernizzi, F., Vicente, R., Vidotto, F., Visser, M., Vlah, Z., Vretinaris, S., Völkel, S., Wang, Q., Wang, Y.-T., Werner, M. C., Westernacher, J., Weygaert, R. v . d ., Wiltshire, D., Wiseman, T., Wolf, P., Wu, K., Yamada, K., Yang, H., Yi, L., Yue, X., Yvon, D., Zilhão, M., Zimmerman, A., & Zumalacarregui, M. 
(2020), General Relativity and Gravitation, 52, 81 

Enlightening the dark ages with dark matter, 
Short, K., Bernal, J. L., Raccanelli, A., Verde, L., & Chluba, J. 
(2020), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020, 020 

Projection effects on the observed angular spectrum of the astrophysical stochastic gravitational wave background, 
Bertacca, D., Ricciardone, A., Bellomo, N., Jenkins, A. C., Matarrese, S., Raccanelli, A., Regimbau, T., & Sakellariadou, M. 
(2020), Physical Review D, 101, 103513 

Cosmology with Phase 1 of the Square Kilometre Array Red Book 2018: Technical specifications and performance forecasts, 
Square Kilometre Array Cosmology Science Working Group, Bacon, D. J., Battye, R. A., Bull, P., Camera, S., Ferreira, P. G., Harrison, I., Parkinson, D., Pourtsidou, A., Santos, M. G., Wolz, L., Abdalla, F., Akrami, Y., Alonso, D., Andrianomena, S., Ballardini, M., Bernal, J. L., Bertacca, D., Bengaly, C. A. P., Bonaldi, A., Bonvin, C., Brown, M. L., Chapman, E., Chen, S., Chen, X., Cunnington, S., Davis, T. M., Dickinson, C., Fonseca, J., Grainge, K., Harper, S., Jarvis, M. J., Maartens, R., Maddox, N., Padmanabhan, H., Pritchard, J. R., Raccanelli, A., Rivi, M., Roychowdhury, S., Sahlén, M., Schwarz, D. J., Siewert, T. M., Viel, M., Villaescusa-Navarro, F., Xu, Y., Yamauchi, D., & Zuntz, J. 
(2020), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 37, e007 

Fundamental physics with the Square Kilometre Array, 
Weltman, A., Bull, P., Camera, S., Kelley, K., Padmanabhan, H., Pritchard, J., Raccanelli, A., Riemer-Sørensen, S., Shao, L., Andrianomena, S., Athanassoula, E., Bacon, D., Barkana, R., Bertone, G., Bœhm, C., Bonvin, C., Bosma, A., Brüggen, M., Burigana, C., Calore, F., Cembranos, J. A. R., Clarkson, C., Connors, R. M. T., Cruz-Dombriz, Á. de . la ., Dunsby, P. K. S., Fonseca, J., Fornengo, N., Gaggero, D., Harrison, I., Larena, J., Ma, Y.-Z., Maartens, R., Méndez-Isla, M., Mohanty, S. D., Murray, S., Parkinson, D., Pourtsidou, A., Quinn, P. J., Regis, M., Saha, P., Sahlén, M., Sakellariadou, M., Silk, J., Trombetti, T., Vazza, F., Venumadhav, T., Vidotto, F., Villaescusa-Navarro, F., Wang, Y., Weniger, C., Wolz, L., Zhang, F., & Gaensler, B. M. 
(2020), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 37, e002 

BE-HaPPY: bias emulator for halo power spectrum including massive neutrinos, 
Valcin, D., Villaescusa-Navarro, F., Verde, L., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2019), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019, 057 

From primordial black holes abundance to primordial curvature power spectrum (and back), 
Kalaja, A., Bellomo, N., Bartolo, N., Bertacca, D., Matarrese, S., Musco, I., Raccanelli, A., & Verde, L. 
(2019), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019, 031 

Unveiling the Gravitational Universe at \mu-Hz Frequencies, 
Sesana, A., Korsakova, N., Arca Sedda, M., Baibhav, V., Barausse, E., Barke, S., Berti, E., Bonetti, M., Capelo, P. R., Caprini, C., Garcia-Bellido, J., Haiman, Z., Jani, K., Jennrich, O., Johansson, P., Khan, F. M., Korol, V., Lamberts, A., Lupi, A., Mangiagli, A., Mayer, L., Nardini, G., Pacucci, F., Petiteau, A., Raccanelli, A., Rajendran, S., Regan, J., Shao, L., Spallicci, A., Tamanini, N., Volonteri, M., Warburton, N., Wong, K., & Zumalacarregui, M. 
(2019), arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1908.11391 

Lyman-a Forest Constraints on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter, 
Murgia, R., Scelfo, G., Viel, M., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2019), Physical Review Letters, 123, 071102 

Electromagnetic probes of primordial black holes as dark matter, 
Kashlinsky, A., Ali-Haïmoud, Y., Clesse, S., Garcia-Bellido, J., Amendola, L., Wyrzykowski, L., Annis, J., Arbey, A., Arendt, R. G., Atrio-Barandela, F., Bellomo, N., Belotskiy, K., Bernal, J.-L., Bird, S., Bozza, V., Byrnes, C., Calore, F., Carr, B. J., Chluba, J., Cholis, I., Cieplak, A., Cole, P., Dalianis, I., Davis, A.-C., Davis, T., de Luca, V., Dvorkin, I., Emparan, R., Ezquiaga, J.-M., Fleury, P., Franciolini, G., Georg, J., Germani, C., Giudice, G.-F., Goobar, A., Hasinger, G., Hector, A., Hundertmark, M., Hutsi, G., Jansen, R., Kamionkowski, M., Kawasaki, M., Kazanas, D., Kehagias, A., Khlopov, M., Knebe, A., Kohri, K., Koushiappas, S., Kovetz, E., Kuhnel, F., MacGibbon, J., Marzola, L., Mediavilla, E., Meszaros, P., Mroz, P., Munoz, J., Musco, I., Nesseris, S., Ozsoy, O., Pani, P., Poulin, V., Raccanelli, A., Racco, D., Raidal, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N., Rhodes, J., Ricotti, M., Riotto, A., Rubin, S., Rubio, J., Ruiz-Morales, E., Sasaki, M., Schnittman, J., Shvartzvald, Y., Street, R., Takada, M., Takhistov, V., Tashiro, H., Tasinato, G., Tringas, G., Unal, C., Tada, Y., Tsapras, Y., Vaskonen, V., Veermäe, H., Vidotto, F., Watson, S., Windhorst, R., Yokoyama, S., & Young, S. 
(2019), Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 51, 51 

Biases from neutrino bias: to worry or not to worry?, 
Raccanelli, A., Verde, L., & Villaescusa-Navarro, F. 
(2019), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483, 734 

Probing ΛCDM cosmology with the Evolutionary Map of the Universe survey, 
Bernal, J. L., Raccanelli, A., Kovetz, E. D., Parkinson, D., Norris, R. P., Danforth, G., & Schmitt, C. 
(2019), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019, 030 

GW×LSS: chasing the progenitors of merging binary black holes, 
Scelfo, G., Bellomo, N., Raccanelli, A., Matarrese, S., & Verde, L. 
(2018), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018, 039 

Effects of primordial black holes quantum gravity decay on galaxy clustering, 
Raccanelli, A., Vidotto, F., & Verde, L. 
(2018), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018, 003 

Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with bispectrum and power spectrum from upcoming optical and radio surveys, 
Karagiannis, D., Lazanu, A., Liguori, M., Raccanelli, A., Bartolo, N., & Verde, L. 
(2018), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, 1341 

Cosmological perturbation effects on gravitational-wave luminosity distance estimates, 
Bertacca, D., Raccanelli, A., Bartolo, N., & Matarrese, S. 
(2018), Physics of the Dark Universe, 20, 32 

Signatures of primordial black holes as seeds of supermassive black holes, 
Bernal, J. L., Raccanelli, A., Verde, L., & Silk, J. 
(2018), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018, 017 

Peering beyond the horizon with standard sirens and redshift drift, 
Jimenez, R., Raccanelli, A., Verde, L., & Matarrese, S. 
(2018), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018, 002 

Doppler term in the galaxy two-point correlation function: Wide-angle, velocity, Doppler lensing and cosmic acceleration effects, 
Raccanelli, A., Bertacca, D., Jeong, D., Neyrinck, M. C., & Szalay, A. S. 
(2018), Physics of the Dark Universe, 19, 109 

Relativistic wide-angle galaxy bispectrum on the light cone, 
Bertacca, D., Raccanelli, A., Bartolo, N., Liguori, M., Matarrese, S., & Verde, L. 
(2018), Physical Review D, 97, 023531 

Primordial black holes as dark matter: converting constraints from monochromatic to extended mass distributions, 
Bellomo, N., Bernal, J. L., Raccanelli, A., & Verde, L. 
(2018), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018, 004 

Cosmological implications of primordial black holes, 
Bernal, J. L., Bellomo, N., Raccanelli, A., & Verde, L. 
(2017), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017, 052 

Cosmological constraints with clustering-based redshifts, 
Kovetz, E. D., Raccanelli, A., & Rahman, M. 
(2017), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468, 3650 

Gravitational wave astronomy with radio galaxy surveys, 
Raccanelli, A. 
(2017), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, 656 

Towards a measurement of the spectral runnings, 
Muñoz, J. B., Kovetz, E. D., Raccanelli, A., Kamionkowski, M., & Silk, J. 
(2017), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017, 032 

Future constraints on angle-dependent non-Gaussianity from large radio surveys, 
Raccanelli, A., Shiraishi, M., Bartolo, N., Bertacca, D., Liguori, M., Matarrese, S., Norris, R. P., & Parkinson, D. 
(2017), Physics of the Dark Universe, 15, 35 

Orbital eccentricities in primordial black hole binaries, 
Cholis, I., Kovetz, E. D., Ali-Haïmoud, Y., Bird, S., Kamionkowski, M., Muñoz, J. B., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2016), Physical Review D, 94, 084013 

Determining the progenitors of merging black-hole binaries, 
Raccanelli, A., Kovetz, E. D., Bird, S., Cholis, I., & Muñoz, J. B. 
(2016), Physical Review D, 94, 023516 

Lensing and time-delay contributions to galaxy correlations, 
Raccanelli, A., Bertacca, D., Maartens, R., Clarkson, C., & Doré, O. 
(2016), General Relativity and Gravitation, 48, 84 

Cosmological tests of an axiverse-inspired quintessence field, 
Emami, R., Grin, D., Pradler, J., Raccanelli, A., & Kamionkowski, M. 
(2016), Physical Review D, 93, 123005 

Curvature constraints from large scale structure, 
Di Dio, E., Montanari, F., Raccanelli, A., Durrer, R., Kamionkowski, M., & Lesgourgues, J. 
(2016), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016, 013 

Violation of statistical isotropy and homogeneity in the 21-cm power spectrum, 
Shiraishi, M., Muñoz, J. B., Kamionkowski, M., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2016), Physical Review D, 93, 103506 

Cosmological measurements with general relativistic galaxy correlations, 
Raccanelli, A., Montanari, F., Bertacca, D., Doré, O., & Durrer, R. 
(2016), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016, 009 

Did LIGO Detect Dark Matter?, 
Bird, S., Cholis, I., Muñoz, J. B., Ali-Haïmoud, Y., Kamionkowski, M., Kovetz, E. D., Raccanelli, A., & Riess, A. G. 
(2016), Physical Review Letters, 116, 201301 

Detecting the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect with high-redshift 21-cm surveys, 
Raccanelli, A., Kovetz, E., Dai, L., & Kamionkowski, M. 
(2016), Physical Review D, 93, 083512 

Interloper bias in future large-scale structure surveys, 
Pullen, A. R., Hirata, C. M., Doré, O., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2016), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 68, 12 

Antisymmetric galaxy cross-correlations as a cosmological probe, 
Dai, L., Kamionkowski, M., Kovetz, E. D., Raccanelli, A., & Shiraishi, M. 
(2016), Physical Review D, 93, 023507 

Optimization of spectroscopic surveys for testing non-Gaussianity, 
Raccanelli, A., Doré, O., & Dalal, N. 
(2015), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015, 034 

Real time cosmology - A direct measure of the expansion rate of the Universe with the SKA, 
Kloeckner, H. R., Obreschkow, D., Martins, C., Raccanelli, A., Champion, D., Roy, A. L., Lobanov, A., Wagner, J., & Keller, R. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 27 

Testing foundations of modern cosmology with SKA all-sky surveys, 
Schwarz, D. J., Bacon, D., Chen, S., Clarkson, C., Huterer, D., Kunz, M., Maartens, R., Raccanelli, A., Rubart, M., & Starck, J. L. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 32 

Synergy between the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Square Kilometre Array, 
Bacon, D., Bridle, S., Abdalla, F. B., Brown, M., Bull, P., Camera, S., Fender, R., Grainge, K., Ivezic, Z., Jarvis, M., Jackson, N., Kirk, D., Mann, B., McEwen, J., McKean, J., Newman, J. A., Raccanelli, A., Sahlen, M., Santos, M., Tyson, T., & Zhao, G. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 145 

Cosmology from HI galaxy surveys with the SKA, 
Abdalla, F. B., Bull, P., Camera, S., Benoit-Lévy, A., Joachimi, B., Kirk, D., Kloeckner, H. R., Maartens, R., Raccanelli, A., Santos, M. G., & Zhao, G. B. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 17 

Measuring redshift-space distortion with future SKA surveys, 
Raccanelli, A., Bull, P., Camera, S., Blake, C., Ferreira, P., Maartens, R., Santos, M., Bull, P., Bacon, D., Doré, O., Ferreira, P., Santos, M. G., Viel, M., & Zhao, G. B. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 31 

Cosmology with SKA Radio Continuum Surveys, 
Jarvis, M., Bacon, D., Blake, C., Brown, M., Lindsay, S., Raccanelli, A., Santos, M., & Schwarz, D. J. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 18 

Cosmology on the Largest Scales with the SKA, 
Camera, S., Raccanelli, A., Bull, P., Bertacca, D., Chen, X., Ferreira, P., Kunz, M., Maartens, R., Mao, Y., Santos, M., Shapiro, P. R., Viel, M., & Xu, Y. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 25 

Model-independent constraints on dark energy and modified gravity with the SKA, 
Zhao, G., Bacon, D., Maartens, R., Santos, M., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 165 

Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations with future SKA surveys, 
Bull, P., Camera, S., Raccanelli, A., Blake, C., Ferreira, P., Santos, M., & Schwarz, D. J. 
(2015), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), 24 

Growth of cosmic structure: Probing dark energy beyond expansion, 
Huterer, D., Kirkby, D., Bean, R., Connolly, A., Dawson, K., Dodelson, S., Evrard, A., Jain, B., Jarvis, M., Linder, E., Mandelbaum, R., May, M., Raccanelli, A., Reid, B., Rozo, E., Schmidt, F., Sehgal, N., Slosar, A., van Engelen, A., Wu, H.-Y., & Zhao, G. 
(2015), Astroparticle Physics, 63, 23 

Probing primordial non-Gaussianity via iSW measurements with SKA continuum surveys, 
Raccanelli, A., Doré, O., Bacon, D. J., Maartens, R., Santos, M. G., Camera, S., Davis, T. M., Drinkwater, M. J., Jarvis, M., Norris, R., & Parkinson, D. 
(2015), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015, 042 

Cosmology with the SPHEREX All-Sky Spectral Survey, 
Doré, O., Bock, J., Ashby, M., Capak, P., Cooray, A., de Putter, R., Eifler, T., Flagey, N., Gong, Y., Habib, S., Heitmann, K., Hirata, C., Jeong, W.-S., Katti, R., Korngut, P., Krause, E., Lee, D.-H., Masters, D., Mauskopf, P., Melnick, G., Mennesson, B., Nguyen, H., Öberg, K., Pullen, A., Raccanelli, A., Smith, R., Song, Y.-S., Tolls, V., Unwin, S., Venumadhav, T., Viero, M., Werner, M., & Zemcov, M. 
(2014), arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1412.4872 

Large-scale 3D galaxy correlation function and non-Gaussianity, 
Raccanelli, A., Bertacca, D., Doré, O., & Maartens, R. 
(2014), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014, 022 

Constraints on large-scale dark acoustic oscillations from cosmology, 
Cyr-Racine, F.-Y., de Putter, R., Raccanelli, A., & Sigurdson, K. 
(2014), Physical Review D, 89, 063517 

Extragalactic science, cosmology, and Galactic archaeology with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph, 
Takada, M., Ellis, R. S., Chiba, M., Greene, J. E., Aihara, H., Arimoto, N., Bundy, K., Cohen, J., Doré, O., Graves, G., Gunn, J. E., Heckman, T., Hirata, C. M., Ho, P., Kneib, J.-P., Le Fèvre, O., Lin, L., More, S., Murayama, H., Nagao, T., Ouchi, M., Seiffert, M., Silverman, J. D., Sodré, L., Spergel, D. N., Strauss, M. A., Sugai, H., Suto, Y., Takami, H., & Wyse, R. 
(2014), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 66, R1 

Probing the accelerating Universe with radio weak lensing in the JVLA Sky Survey, 
Brown, M. L., Abdalla, F. B., Amara, A., Bacon, D. J., Battye, R. A., Bell, M. R., Beswick, R. J., Birkinshaw, M., Böhm, V., Bridle, S., Browne, I. W. A., Casey, C. M., Demetroullas, C., Enßlin, T., Ferreira, P. G., Garrington, S. T., Grainge, K. J. B., Gray, M. E., Hales, C. A., Harrison, I., Heavens, A. F., Heymans, C., Hung, C. L., Jackson, N. J., Jarvis, M. J., Joachimi, B., Kay, S. T., Kitching, T. D., Leahy, J. P., Maartens, R., Miller, L., Muxlow, T. W. B., Myers, S. T., Nichol, R. C., Patel, P., Pritchard, J. R., Raccanelli, A., Refregier, A., Richards, A. M. S., Riseley, C., Santos, M. G., Scaife, A. M. M., Schäfer, B. M., Schilizzi, R. T., Smail, I., Starck, J.-L., Szepietowski, R. M., Taylor, A. N., Whittaker, L., Wrigley, N., & Zuntz, J. 
(2013), arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1312.5618 

Testing gravity using large-scale redshift-space distortions, 
Raccanelli, A., Bertacca, D., Pietrobon, D., Schmidt, F., Samushia, L., Bartolo, N., Doré, O., Matarrese, S., & Percival, W. J. 
(2013), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436, 89 

Testing gravity on Large Scales, 
Raccanelli, A. 
(2013), European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, 58, 02013 

Radio Continuum Surveys with Square Kilometre Array Pathfinders, 
Norris, R. P., Afonso, J., Bacon, D., Beck, R., Bell, M., Beswick, R. J., Best, P., Bhatnagar, S., Bonafede, A., Brunetti, G., Budavári, T., Cassano, R., Condon, J. J., Cress, C., Dabbech, A., Feain, I., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Gaensler, B. M., Giovannini, G., Haverkorn, M., Heald, G., Van der Heyden, K., Hopkins, A. M., Jarvis, M., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Kothes, R., Van Langevelde, H., Lazio, J., Mao, M. Y., Martínez-Sansigre, A., Mary, D., Mcalpine, K., Middelberg, E., Murphy, E., Padovani, P., Paragi, Z., Prandoni, I., Raccanelli, A., Rigby, E., Roseboom, I. G., Röttgering, H., Sabater, J., Salvato, M., Scaife, A. M. M., Schilizzi, R., Seymour, N., Smith, D. J. B., Umana, G., Zhao, G.-B., & Zinn, P.-C. 
(2013), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 30, e020 

Relativistic corrections and non-Gaussianity in radio continuum surveys, 
Maartens, R., Zhao, G.-B., Bacon, D., Koyama, K., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2013), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2013, 044 

The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III DR9 Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity, 
Ross, A. J., Percival, W. J., Carnero, A., Zhao, G.-. bo ., Manera, M., Raccanelli, A., Aubourg, E., Bizyaev, D., Brewington, H., Brinkmann, J., Brownstein, J. R., Cuesta, A. J., da Costa, L. A. N., Eisenstein, D. J., Ebelke, G., Guo, H., Hamilton, J.-C., Magaña, M. V., Malanushenko, E., Malanushenko, V., Maraston, C., Montesano, F., Nichol, R. C., Oravetz, D., Pan, K., Prada, F., Sánchez, A. G., Samushia, L., Schlegel, D. J., Schneider, D. P., Seo, H.-J., Sheldon, A., Simmons, A., Snedden, S., Swanson, M. E. C., Thomas, D., Tinker, J. L., Tojeiro, R., & Zehavi, I. 
(2013), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428, 1116 

Impact of redshift information on cosmological applications with next-generation radio surveys, 
Camera, S., Santos, M. G., Bacon, D. J., Jarvis, M. J., McAlpine, K., Norris, R. P., Raccanelli, A., & Röttgering, H. 
(2012), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427, 2079 

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope: Dark Energy Science Collaboration, 
LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration 
(2012), arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1211.0310 

Beyond the plane-parallel and Newtonian approach: wide-angle redshift distortions and convergence in general relativity, 
Bertacca, D., Maartens, R., Raccanelli, A., & Clarkson, C. 
(2012), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2012, 025 

Cosmological measurements with forthcoming radio continuum surveys, 
Raccanelli, A., Zhao, G.-B., Bacon, D. J., Jarvis, M. J., Percival, W. J., Norris, R. P., Röttgering, H., Abdalla, F. B., Cress, C. M., Kubwimana, J.-C., Lindsay, S., Nichol, R. C., Santos, M. G., & Schwarz, D. J. 
(2012), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424, 801 

Interpreting large-scale redshift-space distortion measurements, 
Samushia, L., Percival, W. J., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2012), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420, 2102 

Redshift-space distortions, 
Percival, W. J., Samushia, L., Ross, A. J., Shapiro, C., & Raccanelli, A. 
(2011), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, 369, 5058 

EMU: Evolutionary Map of the Universe, 
Norris, R. P., Hopkins, A. M., Afonso, J., Brown, S., Condon, J. J., Dunne, L., Feain, I., Hollow, R., Jarvis, M., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Lenc, E., Middelberg, E., Padovani, P., Prandoni, I., Rudnick, L., Seymour, N., Umana, G., Andernach, H., Alexander, D. M., Appleton, P. N., Bacon, D., Banfield, J., Becker, W., Brown, M. J. I., Ciliegi, P., Jackson, C., Eales, S., Edge, A. C., Gaensler, B. M., Giovannini, G., Hales, C. A., Hancock, P., Huynh, M. T., Ibar, E., Ivison, R. J., Kennicutt, R., Kimball, A. E., Koekemoer, A. M., Koribalski, B. S., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Mao, M. Y., Murphy, T., Messias, H., Pimbblet, K. A., Raccanelli, A., Randall, K. E., Reiprich, T. H., Roseboom, I. G., Röttgering, H., Saikia, D. J., Sharp, R. G., Slee, O. B., Smail, I., Thompson, M. A., Urquhart, J. S., Wall, J. V., & Zhao, G.-B. 
(2011), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 28, 215 

CMB-galaxy correlation in Unified Dark Matter scalar field cosmologies, 
Bertacca, D., Raccanelli, A., Piattella, O. F., Pietrobon, D., Bartolo, N., Matarrese, S., & Giannantonio, T. 
(2011), Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2011, 039 

Testing cosmological models with the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, 
Raccanelli, A. 
(2011), Journal of Physics Conference Series, 280, 012009 

Simulating redshift-space distortions for galaxy pairs with wide angular separation, 
Raccanelli, A., Samushia, L., & Percival, W. J. 
(2010), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409, 1525 

A model for the cosmological evolution of low-frequency radio sources, 
Massardi, M., Bonaldi, A., Negrello, M., Ricciardi, S., Raccanelli, A., & de Zotti, G. 
(2010), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 404, 532 

A reassessment of the evidence of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect through the WMAP-NVSS correlation, 
Raccanelli, A., Bonaldi, A., Negrello, M., Matarrese, S., Tormen, G., & de Zotti, G. 
(2008), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386, 2161 


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Alvise Raccanelli

Astrophysicist & Technology Consultant




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I want to acknowledge my current past supervisors and mentors: Sabino Matarrese, Gianfranco De Zotti, Will Percival, David Bacon, Olivier Dore, Marc Kamionkowski, Alex Szalay, Joe Silk, Licia Verde.

My research has been supported by a CERN fellowship, a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie fellowship at the University of Barcelona, by the John Templeton Foundation at Johns Hopkins University, working in collaboration with Prof. Marc Kamionkowski, Prof. Alex Szalay and Prof. Joe Silk, and by NASA to work at Jet Propulsion Laboratory with Dr. Olivier Doré.

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